The Harrill Self-Esteem Inventory
(revised edition 2008)
Rate yourself on each with a scale of 0 to 4 based upon your current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors:
0 = I never think, feel, or behave this way.
1 = I do less than half the time.
2 = I do 50% of the time.
3 = I do more than half the time.
4 = I always think, feel, or behave this way.
_____ 1. I like and accept myself as I am right now, today, even as I grow and evolve.
_____ 2. I am worthy simply for who I am, not what I do. I do not have to earn my worthiness.
_____ 3. I get my needs met before meeting the wants of others. I balance my needs with those of my partner and family.
_____ 4. I easily release negative feelings from other's judgments and focus instead on living my life with integrity and to the best of my abilities.
_____ 5. I always tell myself the truth about what I am feeling.
_____ 6. I am incomparable and stop comparing myself with other people.
_____ 7. I feel of equal value to other people, regardless of my performance, looks, IQ, achievements, or possessions.
_____ 8. I am my own authority. I make decisions with the intention of furthering my own and others' best interests.
_____ 9. I learn and grow from my mistakes rather than deny them or use them to confirm my unworthiness.
____ 10. I stop my critical self-talk and replace it with a nurturing, kind, encouraging voice.
____ 11. I love, respect, and honor myself.
____ 12. I am not responsible for anyone else's actions, needs, choices, thoughts, moods, or feelings, only for my own.
____ 13. I do not dominate others or allow others to dominate me.
____ 14. I have good physical and emotional boundaries with others.
____ 15. I feel my own feelings and think my own thoughts, even when those around me think or feel differently.
____ 16. I stop using "shoulds" and "oughts," which are value judgments that put me or another down. (It is irrelevant what I should have done or should do. It is more important to know what I am willing to do and not do.)
____ 17. I am responsible for changing what I do not like in my life. I face my problems, fears, and insecurities and take appropriate steps to heal and grow.
____ 18. I am a person of my word and follow through on the things I commit to do.
____ 19. I forgive myself and others for making mistakes and being unaware.
____ 20. I believe my life counts. I find meaning and have purpose in my life.
____ 21. I deserve love and happiness even when others blame or criticize me, for I cannot control what others think about me.
____ 22. I take care of myself on all levels: physical, social, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
____ 23. I spend quality time with myself on a regular basis.
____ 24. I release unreal expectations for myself and others.
____ 25. I choose to love and respect all human beings regardless of their beliefs and actions; some I have a personal relationship with and most I do not.
How to Use This Information
The Self-Esteem Awareness Inventory is not a test or a precise measure of self-esteem. Instead, it identifies beliefs, feelings, and behaviors that contribute to your self-esteem. The 25 statements can be used to update beliefs that have limited your self-esteem. Use the statements as affirmations, positive statements, to change and improve how you talk to yourself. Repeat the statements to yourself often, emphasizing your low scoring answers. Over time improving your self-talk will help change old, outdated beliefs that keep you stuck in low self-esteem.
It is unwise to compare your answers with anyone else's, that is, unless sharing opens healthy discussion between the two of you.
Save your answers and date it. Answer the questions again every few months to notice your progress and the areas you still need to emphasize.
Another idea is to write your low-scoring statements on 3X5 cards. Read them out loud to yourself daily. Tape them in places you will see often: refrigerator, desk drawer, bathroom mirror, your purse or wallet. You will see growth and improvement as you work on your lower scoring areas. Be mindful of not judging the speed of your progress. Grow and expand your awareness at your own rate.
A side benefit in working with the inventory is to notice where other people have self-esteem issues. You can grow in compassion as you learn to identify when another is struggling with self-esteem issues. This makes it a little easier to forgive negative attitudes and behaviors in others as well.