By Suzanne E. Harrill
by Nancy Moonstar
By Suzanne E. Harrill
By Christof Melchizedek
Suzanne has a talent for helping others know and accept themselves, solve problems, build good relationships, and grow in consciousness. She easily reflects acceptance and love to others, which encourages them to love themselves. This she does through through telephone consultations, writing, counseling, and speaking. Read the rest of the bio here.
Greetings from the Editor:
Your Body Is Telling You Something
Hello! I'm back for a visit. It's been over a year since my last newsletter. The first one was published in 2003,
twenty years ago. Future newsletters will depend on inspiration like this one. There are two things to share with you, my new book
and a zoom workshop.
This is an exciting time for me as I've written a new book, Wake Up! Your Body Is Telling You Something -- How to Grow and Evolve from Health Challenges and Life-Altering Circumstances. Normally I am very private about my health and wellness; however, I had such a strong push from my higher self to write about my journey and how I steered through challenges. It will be available on Amazon as a kindle or print on demand. I'll let you know when it is available
New Book Available Soon on Amazon
Learn how to use dis-ease and life shocks as catalysts to expand awareness. Meet life challenges with practical suggestions that Suzanne uses in her own life. Undergoing a "Dark Night of the Soul" experience in yourself or a loved one after a crisis is a normal human experience; learn ways to navigate through it. Explore ways to communicate with your body. Allow your body to be your teacher. Whether outer circumstances change, empower yourself to make breakthroughs in understanding, healing, and living your life. Be the master of your health and wellness as you watch your life shift for the better.
Fortunate Blessings,
Health and Happiness
(For more info, please click on the above text.)
Personal Growth
by Suzanne E. Harrill
There are so many
good people in the world making a difference, some in small ways, others in
larger ways. Many people get discouraged after watching the world scene in the
news. It takes vigilance sometimes to remain tuned into all the good that is
happening in the world and to focus on where you can make a difference.....
(read the whole article)
by Nancy Moonstarr
Life takes on a new feel and
ok-ness with being in a place of love. Finances, divorce and changes around
kids, job and other responsibilities somehow move to a less urgent place. We
feel 'in the flow'. Possibilities open up and healing from past hurts is
(read the whole article)