Suzanne E. Harrill, M.Ed., LPC
Intuitive Coach and Spiritual Mentor

Spring 2017


This Month's Issue:

Living Your Soul Purpose through Body Awareness

By Suzanne E. Harrill


By Suzanne E. Harrill

Becoming an Everyday Mystic

By Meredith Young-Sowers

Affirmative Prayer for Donald Trump

By Suzanne E. Harrill


Enlighten Up

Suzanne E. Harrill

Suzanne has a talent for helping others know and accept themselves, solve problems, build good relationships, and grow in consciousness. She easily reflects acceptance and love to others, which encourages them to love themselves. This she does through writing, counseling, and professional speaking. Read the rest of the bio here.

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Free Self-Esteem Workshop Audio

During the live seminar, "Self-Esteem -- Be Your True Self", we recorded this workshop audio. Now, we want to share it with you so that you can feel uplifted and gain some valuable insight with regards to self-esteem.

Download Here


Greetings from the Editor:

Spiritual Daydreaming

It is a waste of my energy being a worry-wort and counting how many hours sleep I’m not getting when I wake up in the wee hours of the morning.  I have a new twist for what many think is a problem. I have a new named for 3 am-awakeness, spiritual daydreaming. This is a good time for my higher Self to catch my attention for some spiritual work. Consider doing some of the things I do when awake in the early morning hours:

  1. Sending Blessings or Affirmative Prayers to others in need, including myself.
  2. Talking kindly to my body as I would a good friend. “I love myself. I am healthy, whole, and balanced.” I listen to my body messages and dialog with parts of my body that need attention.
  3. Affirming my highest preferences. “I am a Divine Channel for health and healing in service to others. I choose to put my house in order tomorrow. I enjoy being creative so will finish my painting. I spend quality time with my people.
  4. Enjoying colors and patterns that show up.
  5. Practicing Gratitude.
  6. Asking my higher guidance questions, such as, “What do I need to know now?

Join me the next time you awaken in the early morning hours.

Fortunate Blessings,


More of my favorite articles from old issues of The Innerwords Messenger:



Living Your Soul Purpose through Body Awareness

By Suzanne E. Harrill

Our well-being depends on our body, mind, and spirit being balanced and working together. Many ignore the messages of the body not realizing that it is just as important a spiritual practice to communicate with our body as it is to meditate or pray to develop our spiritual nature. Learn how to expand your understanding of the body-mind-spirit connection by developing rapport with your body. It is a gradual process of waking up to how life works and learning ways to support this process...

(read the whole article)


Special Offer

Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne E. Harrill

MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by Day.

(read the whole story)




By Suzanne E. Harrill

All-knowing God is everywhere present all the time. I am one with this loving source of my being. I accept the Christ Light growing brighter in me daily, balancing my inner and outer world. By recognizing this light in myself, I easily reflect it to each person I meet. This light of understanding moves me to a neutral place of non-judgement and unconditional love in challenging circumstances. I am the observer remembering often to look behind appearances seeing the wonder of the Christ in each person I meet. I am kind and loving...

(read the whole story)



Becoming an Everyday Mystic

By Meredith Young-Sowers

God considers us in a mystical way whenever we put Love at the top of our list. I certainly wouldn’t have thought of myself as an everyday mystic until I had one of those mind-shifting and heart-opening experiences that, symbolically, told me that loving was indeed enough.

It was early morning, and I was sitting in bed struggling with my purpose. Oh, I knew what the work was or seemed to be—but what was my soul’s purpose? Was I doing what God had intended? I felt uncertain...

(read the whole story)

Personal Growth

Affirmative Prayer for Donald Trump

By Suzanne E. Harrill

After listening to many people on both sides of the fence complain, become polarized and, at the least, not like the president’s egoic style of management, I found myself talking to Donald in the early morning hours. When this happened a second night, I thought to myself, “I really need to write this down.”  I believe it is unproductive to be judgmental in speaking of the president or anyone else and that if enough of us send high thoughts to Donald, it will positively impact him. Following is an affirmative prayer based on my early morning talks with Donald. If it feels right, join me to build spiritual insight in the president’s decision making choices...

(read the whole story)

Enlighten Up   --    Humor

Water Leak

Good Old Dave

Paradox of Law

Secretary of the Navy

(read the Humor)


Imagine How Your Life Will Be Without Fear

Mind Game

(read the Goodies)





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