Autumn 2010


“I open my mind to new ideas outside of my frame-of-reference. Being open-minded allows a new set of possibilities to enter my life. As I open my mind to experience what my teachers model to me, obstacles disappear from my path. I expand my awareness easily and quickly when I am open-minded. I am open-minded and allow new opportunities to flow into my life“

-- from Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself
by Suzanne Harrill, M.Ed.


This Month's Issue:

Mindfulness And Consciousness As Paths To Self-Awarenes

By Suzanne E. Harrill

"If I Were Brave"

Jana Stanfiel

It Is Wakeup Time

by Dr. Herbert L. Beierl

The Key to Finding Soulmates

By Rom Wills

Words from Adyashanti

by Adyashanti

Who’s in Charge?  How Sobriety Helped Me Answer that Question!

By Dee Waddington


Enlighten Up

Suzanne E. Harrill

For over 25 years, Suzanne has facilitated the growth and awareness of many people through counseling, writing, teaching, and professional speaking. On a personal note, Suzanne has been married since 1966, has three grown daughters, and is a grandmother. She enjoys watercolor painting and creating original stained glass pieces.

New Book:
"The Harrill Solution – Secrets of Successful Relationships Revealed"

(plus shipping)

Publication date Sept. 30, 2010. First 20 orders receive a free copy of Enlightening Cinderella.

This comprehensive, how-to book teaches ways to know self, to use challenging situations to mirror your own lessons, to help heal an estranged relationship, or to transform a traditional relationship into a self-actualizing, enlightened one. There are secrets for everyone - if single, there are dating-tips, if ready to divorce, learn the difference between completing versus avoiding lessons, or if with a life partner, discover how to create a long-term, conscious relationship.

(More Details)

Greetings from the Editor:

Big Sky Retreat

I just returned from an enlightening retreat in Big Sky Montana, which has been going on for 35 years. My husband and I have attended three so far and plan to go again next year. The featured speaker this year was Greg Mooers who was trained as an engineer and had his own computer software company before he became a monk living in a monastery for eight years. His inspiring presentations lead us through a process to understand our heart virtues, which is part of our purpose in life. I learned that I am committed to communication and caring. Consider reading his book, Unlock Your Heart Virtue – Become the Authentic Leader of Your Life.

Fortunate Blessings,




By Suzanne E. Harrill

Let me start by defining awareness. It is everything that has brought you to this present moment—your beliefs, emotions, feelings, and reactions to all your life experiences. Awareness includes everything you have taken in and are taking in with your five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, as well as using your sixth sense of intuition. Much of our awareness is unconscious to us. As we study ourselves, we become more and more self-aware. This is the key to improving decision-making; to make choices that are in alignment with what we want to create in our lives...

(read the whole article)


Personal Growth

"If I Were Brave"

Jana Stanfield

What would I do, if I knew that I could not fail? If I believed, would the wind always fill up my sail? How far would I go? What could I achieve, trusting the hero in me?

If I were brave, I’d walk the razor’s edge, where fools and dreamers dare to tread. I'd never lose faith, even when losing my way. What step would I take today, if I were brave? What would I do today, if I were brave? What would I do today, if I were brave?

(read the whole article)


Special Offer

Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne E. Harrill

MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. From Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself, Cultivating the Garden of Your Mind Day by Day.

(read the whole story)




by Dr. Herbert L. Beierle

Everyday of my life I am forced with making decisions relative to how I am going to live, how I am going to enjoy a healthy body and a healthy mind, and best of all, a healthy world.  Making this choice requires me to be consistent in my thinking and in my atti- tudes, for how I observe the rest of the world. It is always my observation, my attitude, my vision - and my vision changes rapidly and consistently with my individual thought.

So I am responsible for the things I choose to think about. It is as simple and complex as that.

(read the whole story)



The Key to Finding Soulmates

By Rom Wills

Yes, this is yet another article on how to find your soulmate but with a twist.   I’m a student of the school of thought called the Natural Blueprint of Relationships (Natural Blueprint) founded by Master Yao Nyamekye Morris.   In this school of thought it is taught that a person has not one soulmate, which is seen as a romantic ideal, but rather several soulmates, whose purpose is to help a person with their life mission.   Before going further let me explain the basis of these beliefs...

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Words from Adyashanti

by Adyashanti

"Through the process, there was a deeper, more extraordinary dissolution of the egoic self than I had previously experienced.  It wasn't a dissolving like when you sit in meditation and your sense of self dissolves into a wonderful state of presence.  It was more like someone was ripping layers off me, one by one.  It was very unceremonious.  It wasn't nice, it wasn't kind, and it wasn't easy.  It was existence shoving a mirror in front of my face and literally holding me there so I could not look away for even a second... I saw that what happens in the body and mind ultimately can't be avoided.  Everything has to be dealt with - everything.  Everything has to be seen through... I tell this story because everybody has a story.

(read the whole story)



Who’s in Charge?  How Sobriety Helped Me Answer that Question!

By Dee Waddington

If you are a woman who has a substance abuse addiction, I hope this article will awaken hope in your heart and a sincere desire for change. Let me share with you how I changed my life and for the better! For most of my life, I looked to others to make decisions for me. At the core of my belief system I thought that if I did what others suggested, I would be liked and, most of all, not responsible for the outcome of my choices. The fear of being wrong and rejected for my mistakes was bigger than wanting to be in charge of my life. 

(read the whole article)


Enlighten Up   --    Humor

New York Language

Laywer Wanted

The Smartest Man In The World

Politically Correct Ways To Say Someone Is Not Too Bright

(read the Humor)


Transcend the fear-based consciousness
that is blocking your progress.

How a Bowl Should be Licked

Cat and Mouse

(read the Goodies)





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