Vol 4, No. 7


I feel my worth and know I am of value.

My self-esteem is now based on an inner
locus of control and on the warm and loving
feelings I have towards myself.

-- from Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself
by Suzanne Harrill, M.Ed.


This Month's Issue:

The Silence Is NOT Golden: An Exercise In Dysfunction

by Chris Rivers McCown

The Ultimate Partnership:
Understanding the Relationship Between Heart, Mind and Body

By Howard Martin

Poems From – A Woman’s Life in Verse

By: Karen Vanasse

July Seed Thoughts
for Loving Yourself

Questions & Answers

Enlighten Up

I Am A Star
My Building High Self-Esteem Book

A children’s affirmation book, ages 2-10.

Special Price
for July 2006 Only:
(FREE shipping)

 Read Reviews


Greetings from the Editor:

Thank You Diane

Behind the scenes of this newsletter is the support and help of my longtime friend, Diane Langley. She proof-reads most of the articles that I write and makes improvements here and there. We met 25 years ago while our children were in preschool. It was several years later that we discovered we were on the same path and we continue today. I am still amazed that we do not have to live in the same city to work together. Take a moment to feel the gratitude of your close friends.

Happy Journey



Personal Growth and Transformation

Transforming Victimization: True Stories #7

The Silence Is NOT Golden: An Exercise In Dysfunction

by Chris Rivers McCown

I'm sure my life would make a fine case study someday, but putting my words to these keys and typing this comes out making me feel somewhat hypocritical and out of place for my perceived "boundaries" of this series. I don't have your typical sad kid stories. I wasn't molested, I didn't join a gang, I didn't commit a felony, I didn't get a girl pregnant; The reason I am writing this is not because of what I did, but because of the circumstances of my childhood... 

(read the article)


Special Offer

July Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

By Suzanne E. Harrill

MONTHLY ON LINE AFFIRMATIONS.  Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. Only available here on line.

(read the whole story)


Suzanne Says

Questions & Answers

Question: My wife and I are separated and I want her back so much. I love her so very much. I am trying to reach my wife which is to no avail. She has been an independent woman all her life and is scared to let go to me. I understand and don’t know how to get her to let go and trust in me. I’m not blaming her because I have issues also, but want to work them out with her. I am tired of all this and want to settle down and I want my life to be with her. Please help as I can’t see my life going in any other direction.

(read the whole article)



Poems From – A Woman’s Life in Verse: Volume I

By: Karen Vanasse

  • The Back of my Closet

  • Every Day

  • On Being a Woman

  • Quiet

(read the whole story)



The Ultimate Partnership:
Understanding the Relationship Between Heart, Mind and Body

By Howard Martin

Vitality, regeneration, wellness, preventative medicine, holistic health, anti-aging, we hear these words frequently as millions of us are seeking to maintain our health in the presence of Father Time. More and more we find ourselves focusing on staying vital and disease free and above all we desire to live a quality life as long as we possibly can.

In the quest for better health and longevity, many stay on the hunt for the latest treatments, healing methodologies, exotic herbs and supplements, attend yoga classes and watch food intake with greater discrimination. All of these things are important and do contribute mightily to wellness. Another important contributor to health...

(read the whole article)


Enlighten Up   --    Humor

Minister and Teenage Boys

No Nursing Home in my Future

The Church Gossiper

Words To Live By

(read the humor)


Soul Connexion

If You Love Cute Animals


(read the Goodies)



Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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