

by Suzanne E. Harrill

I am ready to transcend.
What does that mean?

To leave, to let go,
to experience Truth untold?

I don’t really know – yet.
Am I ready? Will I vanish?
Will I recognize myself,
my life, my relationships,
my choices that have manifested?

Do I move like a butterfly
to explore a whole new reality?
Or will it be the same outside
and a secret within?

I do not know
anything now with certainty.

Yet, I trust the stepping
of each step today as I
become my Path.

The Journey here unfolds
without a plan
or conscious creation or choice.

I release my unsteady pace
as I gain a more natural cadence.

I feel Life pulling me fuller.

I know this is the Way and I go





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Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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