
Stop Prying the Darn Rose Bud!

By Rob Cross

 What’s the first thing you would do if I gave you a rose bud?

Smell it? Admire it? Go oooh and ahhh? Run find a vase to put it in?

And then what would you do?

Well, after a couple of hours, you’d pass by & see that it’s not opening yet. So in anger or fear you’d probably stick your thumbs in the fat middle of it and start prying it open, right?

Naw! Of course you wouldn’t! Well then, why are we continually doing so in our relationships?

My guess is….right now you are experiencing some sort of angst in your relationship. Maybe it’s not moving as fast or as slow or as right or left as you prefer. So you do what most of us do… stick your darn thumbs in there and start prying & forcing it. From upset & anger to holding back & withdrawing. We try it all, from over-pleasing to white-lying. And if that doesn’t work, how ‘bout a good ol’ game of tit for tat, or back biting, maybe try a little peace keeping. We get real clever, trying anything to pry and bend and twist that darn thing into what we want it to look like. That’s doing Love upside down, friends!

Life teaching the pig to sing…..all we do is waste our time and frustrate the poor pig!

What we’ve forgotten
in our relationships
is that simple God-given

My friends, your job with the bud is to appreciate it and nurture it! That’s it. And then what happens? Miracle of miracles, it unfolds and blooms. How it does so, I can’t begin to tell you. But it does. And it’s this miracle step that we’re forgetting in our relationships!

Tell you what; notice what you’re doing right now that’s beyond merely appreciating and supporting your partner. The truth is, anything beyond that is likely your subtle attempts to manipulate and force it to go where you want it to go, and it’s those attempts that are bringing you exactly what you DON’T want…A bunch o’ broken peddles laying on the floor! We can’t push a string, and we can’t hog-tie Love.

Love’s a funny thing. It’s like a cat. Let it stay, it stays. But keep it from going, it’s outta here!

Retire from the business of trying to KEEP love, and just relax, BE YOURSELF and Allow it the space to breathe and expand exactly how & where it wants. It cannot Flow while you’re trying to control it. Funny thing is, you have no control over it anyway! It’s called Faith. And faith is easy when we feel in control and when life is going according to our plans, but mighty hard when it’s not. Right?

When you Let go of it having to look YOUR way, like the rose bud, you’ll become an accomplice to a miracle. As you "let go", your energy and vitality return, and the love unfolds to a brilliance as perhaps you’ve never known.

Remember…..Love is easy when we stop making it so darn hard!

Rob Cross





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