Suzanne E. Harrill


Autumn 2016

Embodying our Divinity and Living our Purpose

Co-facilitated by Suzanne Harrill and Ann Johnston

February 26, 2017, 1-4 PM
Unity Church in Jacksonville, FL

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This Month's Issue:

Building a Long-Term Relationship

By Suzanne Harrill

A Simple Test To See How Close
You Are To Enlightenment

by Marc Oromaner

Cancer – Now What?

By Krystal J. Watters

A Survivor’s Story

By Marsha Green

Advice We All Can Use

By Janna Shuemake


Enlighten Up

Suzanne E. Harrill

Suzanne has a talent for helping others know and accept themselves, solve problems, build good relationships, and grow in consciousness. She easily reflects acceptance and love to others, which encourages them to love themselves. This she does through writing, counseling, and professional speaking. Read the rest of the bio here.

Read More About Suzanne


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Special for Fall 2016:

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>Cracking the Code When Your Body Talks

Expand your understanding of the mind-body-spirit connection. Learn what your body has to say when it hurts, gets injured, or ill. Pain is a message.

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Greetings from the Editor:

Would You Believe It?

My Golden Anniversary is here. Amazing is my reaction. Living with the same person for so long has given me a full experience of life. Growth and change are major themes for us, with many opportunities for growth through challenges overcome, and much joy by having someone to have fun with. We went to college together, moved many times, raised a family, developed careers, followed our interests, and each achieved areas of expertise. Our personalities are miles apart, yet our values and interests are very compatible, such as enjoying the relationships with our grown children, spending time and impacting our grandchildren, being creative, and supporting each other.

Time is interesting because some periods seemed to fly by, like the last 5 years, while some felt like they took forever, especially the high growth, challenging years raising young children. I have learned so much. For example, in my early unaware years I thought another person could make me happy. Wrong! Luckily I got off the roller coaster of feeling happy or unhappy that depended on another’s attitudes, moods, behaviors, interests, needs, or stage of growth and instead learned my happiness depends upon me. Another thing I’ve learned is unconditionally accepting my partner and not trying to change him. It took a while, but I got it. One final thing I have learned is to live one day at a time with my friend and husband and meet each day as it comes.

Fortunate Blessings,


Previous Articles by Suzanne:

Becoming the Person You Always Wanted to Marry
By Suzanne E. Harrill

 It's Never Too Late To Have A Good Relationship
By Suzanne E. Harrill

Dating Tips for Singles
By Suzanne E. Harrill 


Spiritual Growth

Building a Long-Term Relationship

By Suzanne E. Harrill

Are you in a long-term relationship or wish you were? What makes a couple stay together a lifetime? Are there secrets that others can learn about making a long-term commitment? Let me share what I’ve learned over time through my own experience of living with my husband for 50 years. Following are some ideas that changed my life, which might help you lay the groundwork for a more successful relationship...

(read the whole article)


Personal Growth

A Simple Test To See How Close You Are To Enlightenment

by Marc Oromaner,
The Layman’s Answers to Everything

Enlightenment. The moment we consciously connect to eternal truth. It’s when we see through the veil of this illusionary world, rising above ego, time, materialism, and our own emotions to see the bigger picture—that we are all one. It’s what all gurus, spiritualists, yogis, Buddhists, monks, meditators, shamans, artists, writers, and religious leaders strive for. It’s the state Neo reached at the end of The Matrix, the level Dorothy attained so she could surpass time and space and return home, and the brief moment you get a taste of, usually in the shower, when your brain skips a beat on the record of reality, resulting in a little inspiration in line with your true self. But is there any way to speed up the process or at least know how close you are to the fully enlightened experience? I believe there is. And it’s something so unbelievably simple, you’ll be able to master it shortly after reading this article...

(read the whole article)




Cancer – Now What?

By Krystal J. Watters

Have you ever had a traumatic experience that scared the daylights out of you, such as an accident or life threatening illness? I have had both. Here I’ll talk about the trauma of receiving a breast cancer diagnosis and the process I went through to find my way. My immediate reaction to this diagnosis was FEAR and then SHAME. It evoked the fear of death, maybe the end of my life was closer than I was prepared for; the fear of experiencing pain and suffering, worse than death; and the fear of being out of control. I had lived my life up to now very fully, actively making choices to steer my life and manifest results, so feeling powerless was not my cup of tea. Shame reared its head with equal power and I wanted to hide and not tell anyone. Unruly, untrue thoughts circled my mind and dominated for a while...

(read the whole article)



A Survivor’s Story

By Marsha Green

It is that event that women look forward to every year. I need to go for my mammogram. You know where your breasts are squeezed to where you wince. I made my appointment at my convenience in September, 2007. I was working as an outside agency counselor with middle school and high school students teaching prevention and intervention for alcohol and drug education. I had some stress at work, but all in all it was a relatively rewarding career with lots of interesting experiences working with youth. I get the mammogram and notice that the mammography technician wants to take just a few more angles. I personally think nothing of it because to me it is routine. After all, I had worked for doctors in the past. My story begins...

(read the whole article)


Personal Experience

Advice We All Can Use

By Janna Shuemake

Hey B… and everyone else on this line.   I am soooo glad you are reaching out to all of us.  We are here for you to love and support you and encourage you.  We believe in you and your ability to get your stuff together!!!!  I have so many ideas for you.  I think all of the advice you have been given from others is accurate and spot on.  I have experienced what you are going through and I am certain you can flip this.

(read the whole article)


Enlighten Up   --    Humor

Why We Love Children

(read the Humor)


My Prayer for My Country

The Train


(read the Goodies)




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