Personal Growth

Color Healing

By Suzanne E. Harrill

What is your favorite color? What colors are the walls in your home, your furniture, throw pillows, and bedspread? If you have art in your home which paintings call to you and invite you to look at them often. When you look at your closet what do you see? A rainbow of colors, mainly neutrals, pastels, or bright primary colors of red, yellow, and blue? Maybe you have many colors yet wear the same things over and over. Colors that catch our attention interact with us emotionally, usually at the unconscious level. Watch your emotional responses to color when you walk into an office, a restaurant, or a friend's house. Begin noticing what you like and dislike. You will find you have preferences. The colors that attract us feed our spirits and give us a boost; they feed us emotionally, bypassing the intellect. Looking at colors and wearing colors that we like can balance and uplift us as well. We can stay away from the colors that we don't like because they pull us down and do not add to our wellbeing.

In starting your day as you look in your closet notice the colors that call your attention. Wear colors that make you feel good. It changes from day to day. Colors in foods affect us also. When you are wondering what to eat ask yourself, "What colors do I need." If you are low energy today consider eating warm colored foods, cinnamon on your bagel, a red apple or strawberries as a snack, and red lentil or carrot soup for lunch. If you feel unbalanced because you ate too much rich or unhealthy fast food, consider a large green salad.

Look to complimentary colors to help your moods. These are colors opposite each other on the color wheel, red and green, violet and yellow, blue and orange. When feeling down or blue go for some orange. Notice a sunset, orange flowers or wear an orange scarf. If you are angry and upset, look at cool colors like the blue sky or green grass.

As you open your color awareness you will make wiser choices to create the best environment for you. You will not buy something simply because it is on sale. If it doesn't make you feel good, it may be wiser to forgo that purchase. As you choose clothes to wear, foods to eat, new items for your house, or that new paint to change the feel of a room, pay attention to your color preferences. Allow your color preferences to interact with you, healing, inspiring, and motivating you.

Now for fun look at the following color healing paintings. Which one calls to you? Use this painting or one in your home for a short meditation. Stare at the painting for a minute or so. Deep breathe and close your eyes. Experience and enjoy.

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