

By Jacqueline Shuler

I was surrounded by confusion,
Loneliness, and loss.
I felt the dissolution of everything
I felt dear.
No comfort, no vision.
Waiting in the darkness, for what?

Surely, there is something beyond
This nothingness.
I have lost track of time;
There is only one dark night.

Suddenly, a new energy begins to rise in my body; 
I feel strength and expansion.
I push against the walls of my prison; 
And burst out into the light, 
Still hanging onto the familiar enclosure.

When I get my bearings, I begin to unfold
My rainbow wrappings.
They fan open and catch the breeze.

I float far away from my prison, now, just a memory.
I see the beauty of myself, of the flowers;
A vision hidden for so long. 
My belief in a life beyond the darkness
Has become total freedom.

Jacqueline Shuler
**"The Vision Within Creates the Reality Without."**



Choosing Me

By Reverend Cynthia James

You are a divine emanation
here to bring your light,
abilities and gifts to the planet.

You are part of a dynamic whole
that is wanting to be fully and
powerfully expressed.

Everything you need is available
right this very moment.

The real question is

What if you knew
you were the most important
person in your life?

How would you respond?

Who would be in your life?

What would you choose to do daily
 to live a vibrant, healthy life?

BIO: Cynthia James is an associate minister at Mile Hi Church in Lakewood, Colorado. She has been called a transformational specialist guiding people as they make changes for lasting healing in their lives. As a speaker, coach, performing artist and multiple award winning author of, What Will Set You Free and Revealing Your Extraordinary Essence, Cynthia has coached/counseled and supported thousands of people worldwide into vibrant living. In 2014, Cynthia's Extraordinary Living Project, was selected to be a Commitment Maker by the Clinton Health Matters Initiative. She has recorded three music cd's and five meditation cd's and just released her first children's book, YOU ARE LOVED.




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