
A Prayer

"As I walk today, Mother Earth gently pulls from me that which I am ready to
release.  My hands open and my mind empties.  What am I willing to release

"If you spend a lot of time thinking about your problems, they'll grow
bigger and stronger.  Is that what you want?  Of course not!  Instead, focus
on your goals.  

Dear God,
I pause from my busyness and take a few moments to become quiet and still.
I know God is with me now, right where I am,
I invite this awareness to expand by focusing my attention on God.
I feel God's presence with me, in me, all around me.
As I rest in the sweetness of this presence, I relax and I let myself go
into God.
Right now, at this very moment of my life:
I am aware that my life is unfolding in an extraordinary way.
I know that all my needs are met.
I feel God's hand upon my shoulder.
I realize that God is the answer to every challenge,
I accept the peace, love, joy and abundance which God has already given me.
I bless all people in the name of God which is Love.
I shall not be moved from this place of connection.
My life shall never be the same as it was.
I am reborn.
And so it is.
Thank you God!

 Renaissance Unity Church in Warren, MI

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Planet Earth

Why anyone would ever want to leave this planet? No where in the universe but Planet Earth.

May all beings I meet today experience clarity and nonjudgment from my presence.

Hugs & Love



















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