


By Debbie Rainwater


Without sadness, we could not know happiness-

Without failure, we could not recognize success.


Without a tear drop, we could not appreciate the joy of laughter...

And without heart-ache, we could not bask in the glory of love.


It is a humbling experience to of had all of the above...and in time I

truly believe that this humbleness can somehow be achieved in future generations....


Simply by passing it on, in the way that we treat all persons who cross our paths in life.

There will be roses upon, that path as well as weeds....


But it is to know the difference, yet nourish both, that creates inner peace.

Some weeds struggle just to survive, and some weeds flourish against all odds...


All weeds, however, eventually turn to mulch to enrich the soil in which the rose grows..

Even so, every rose has its thorn...


But without that thorn, that rose would be left unprotected....We all experience the weeds of life...We have all felt the bite of the thorn........

But without that experience, we also would never truly take time to appreciate and actually "SMELL THE ROSES"



Poem of the Month

by Debbie Rainwater

We are all truly scholars, as well as teachers along our way-

Giving back, and taking in, what comes to us each day.


Mistakes will certainly happen, but we learn from all of these-

to try and set examples, on how it all should be.


Learning from our past, to somehow bring new light, on all the very

things we've done, and sort the wrong from right-


Now we have come upon, yet another path along our way-

that will give us teachers and us scholars a voice to actually say...


"We don't have all the answers"...but many questions we clearly see-

are still upon the teachers blackboard...and the answers will set us free..


And just as surely as the day will come, and also will come the night-

we shall shine as brilliant stars…"BECAUSE WE KNOW" we have that right!!


                         - Linda Sue-

                             written for my sister

                                    april 25,207
                                 by Debbie Rainwater

I pray each and every day my Lord, to have your home so divine-

To be a place I call home and rid this pain of mine.


But also I recognize you have things first for me to do-

Loving those around me, in the very ways I do you.


Forgive me please for wanting to ease my own painful strifes-

Never really considering how it would effect others lives.


If I were not here tomorrow, and never really reaching my missions end-

On how very much I do have to offer...and the message I've yet to send.


The message of FORGIVENESS...The power of HOPE and FAITH-

So I may be a living legacy, and go home in humbled grace.


Give to me please, the strength to walk the darkness that the past has given me-

Leaving the light of forgiveness for all the world to finally see.


Walking into the corridors, and proudly looking back-

Knowing my life was not fictional, but my life was truly a fact.


A fact that will remain, long after my missions are complete-

To enrich all others...on the powers of FAITH and BELIEF...


Bio for Debbie Rainwater: I have written so much over the years and feel that my poetry is something to pass on to my children. They may appreciate my poems when I am no longer there for them....so far I figure I will probably live to be a 120 since I still have so much more to do and to say.

I was widowed young in life and my three sons are now fine young men representing their Father’s and my legacy. I have a passion for gardening, cooking, and especially writing. I have a firm belief that we must all watch over the KIDS and the CRITTERS that we are blessed to have cross our path in life. I am what I call a self-proclaimed writing Geek...It doesn't matter what it is...whether it is research out of my own curiosity, my own thoughts on paper, or a very lengthy letter...I just love to see words flow on paper (or on my computer screen)...... I thank you for the opportunity to share my work with you and your readers....Debbie Rainwater, debbierainwater@msn.com.






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