by Gary Bate
We are all here, individually and
collectively, to evolve ourselves and thus humanity as a
whole; beyond our existing known boundaries. This means that
individually we are to change from our existing state of being
to become a higher, more evolved state of being.
As discussed earlier, our existing
personalities are a combination of our inherited genes and the
social conditioning of the society in which we live. Different
cultures impose different conditioning upon the minds of their
citizens by virtue of their way of life. It all amounts to a
limitation of mind.
To change from the personality we’ve ‘picked
up’ into a new personality of our own design, is the
evolutionary task we all face. This is a task that flies in
the face of family, tradition, culture, religion, color,
status, wealth, fashion, gender, fame etc.; indeed: it flies
in the face of all the accepted values in our societies.
Never before have we been given so much
knowledge to challenge our inherited belief systems and to
intimidate the self-imposed limitations of our minds. How we
develop into the future can only be limited by our own level
of acceptance and our own willingness to let go of the past.
And our unwillingness to let go of the past is evidence of our
own lack of understanding or outright stubbornness towards
What we need to develop is our own ideal;
not one that we have been conditioned to accept but one that
is our own creation. How do we want to be? Notice I didn’t
say, what role or status do we want to play or achieve within
an existing framework. We are not here to simply fit in with
modern-day society, although our politicians would want us to
think that way!
Evolution is not about being accepted by an
existing image but is about changing and moving beyond the
boundaries of that accepted image; the exact image that is
pressed to us every day by the mind control that advertising
and marketing is so good at.
So we must become like the caterpillar that
transforms itself into the beautiful butterfly. The
caterpillar represents the old personality and the butterfly
represents a new life that has yet to unfold.
Firstly, the caterpillar has to dream the
dream of its new form. It goes into the cocoon and it
liquefies. It dissolves the past and out of the same energy,
it forms the new life in accordance with its dream. In
evolutionary terms, we are all the same as the caterpillar
that has yet to embark upon its remarkable transformation.
We can never evolve beyond our own level of
acceptance. Very few people will be able to accept that they
can be a Christ until they witness, first hand, somebody else
being in that state of purity. Even then their own acceptance
will rely on their acceptance of equality with the Christ-like
personality. One’s understanding and acceptance of
involution (briefly described earlier and later in my article
‘The Children of Blue Light’) is essential to this
acceptance of equality.
Your ideal is not supposed to fit any
existing image because that is just image worship. What is
important is that your ideal is greater than your past and
that you genuinely strive to become it. It is far greater to
have an ideal that you struggle to become than have no ideal
at all or one that represents no more than social acceptance.
Once the template has been designed in your
mind then the individual components can be formulated and
worked upon. These are the elements of the Great Work that
spiritual masters have spoken about and are recorded as
personal affirmations that are focussed upon on a daily basis
(refer article The Night Watchman).
A diligent effort is required to replace
the demons from your past thinking. Only when the new
knowledge is added to the quagmire of your mind, will the
alchemical process start to take place. The metamorphosis of
the caterpillar is likened to the human alchemical process of
turning the lead of the past into the gold of spiritual truth.
Whether it is the raising of the Phoenix
from the ashes, the emergence of the butterfly from the
caterpillar or the flight of a dove; it’s all symbolic of
one thing - the flight of FREEDOM.
Becoming a Christ is the ultimate ideal
from the point of view of humanity. It is the crowning glory.
Any climb down from that point is a compromise to any evolved
mind. At the same time, we must realize that our own evolution
progresses at the rate of our own acceptance of new knowledge
and its integration into our lives; which can only come from
our own desires and willingness to open ourselves up ‘to
A friend recently said to me, "you can
do anything". This I found to be inspiring but is it a
question of what we can do or what we can be? For instance,
can we train our minds to be everything and nothing at the
same time; just like God is? Or is our viewpoint always going
to be limited by our own design? We are the creators of our
future destiny - be in no doubt about that!
Designing a new life for yourself that
bears no resemblance to your past and then choosing to live as
the butterfly instead of continuing to be a caterpillar; is a
hard task indeed. Why is this? It is because change is
uncomfortable, not only for yourself but for those that
observe it in you. You are moving forward in your life and
they are standing still. They can no longer relate to you
because you are at a loftier vantage point and you have to
continue to play the game with them, if you still want them in
your life. Can you really afford to compromise or do you fly
away and leave them standing in their own confusion, hoping
that one day they will follow your lead?
The more spiritually advanced we become the
more difficult we find it is to fit in with the accepted
values of society. We eventually reach a point when we cease
trying to ‘fit in’ and realize it is only our truth that
matters to us. This is why it is said that a Christ is
crippled by the consciousness of humanity; an impeccable
entity can no longer effectively operate here amongst a lower
intelligence. There will no longer be any desire in such an
entity to partake of the consciousness here.
In the absence of your own ideal, there is
one ideal that you can focus upon, that is not currently in
abundance in human consciousness. It is unconditional Love.
Moving your mind to the blue window can be the structure (the
skeleton if you like) of the butterfly you are trying to
unfold from within. In love there is no lack; there is not the
loss of energy that occurs when the energy is fractured into
In practice, being more loving is a matter
of changing one’s attitude. For instance, can you replace a
lustful attitude with a loving one? You can if it is your will
to do so. Can you move beyond your pain and suffering if you
love yourself enough? You can if it is your will to do so. Can
you let go of your need to be controlled or to be in control?
You can always let go if you love unconditionally. Whatever
you are perplexed by in your life, you will always find the
answer in love. Are you looking out of the blue window or is
your view blinded by the light (the yellow window)?
Creating a new life for ourselves is what
we do in between lives in the planes of bliss. When we enter
the new body it becomes almost impossible to live what we have
created in bliss because the new brain has no memory of what
is held in the soul. Also, the body has its own mindset from
its genetic makeup and this program has a different agenda to
what the soul is wishing to experience through the emotional
Our soul’s program is blown to
smithereens by the demands of our body’s genetics and the
conditioning of our minds by society. The only chance we have
in life is to ‘wake up’ to this knowledge and be ‘born
again’ to a new life of our own design; which, if lofty
enough, will always resemble what we planned in bliss. It is
better to wake up and do the planning whilst we are in the
body, because then we are giving ourselves every chance of
fulfilling it.
Life then is not about you acquiring more
and more money or your sex life or being a somebody or keeping
up with the Jones’s or living to be acceptable to others and
to your society. No, it is really about fulfilling the journey
of your soul in its quest for self-mastery. That’s the only
thing you are supposed to do with your life - conquer it!
My observation of people shows me a
conditioned pattern of living. Every society is a cult, a
collection of attitudes unique to that society. For instance,
here in Britain we are known for our ‘stiff upper lip’. I
see that people find a place where they are happy to settle,
then they go about surrounding themselves with other people
and things. They go to work to maintain what they’ve got, to
accrue more things and to pay for the resulting bills. Their
emphasis is on acquiring ‘creature comforts’ and owning
assets such as property. This all forms part of their
self-created image. And some people compete with each other,
as if one’s wealth is some sort of measure of a person’s
So, here in the West, the focus is on
ownership of material things instead of focusing on ownership
of wisdom. Such ignorance!
At the end of such a life (which is
inevitable if we live like this), the soul tries to make sense
of the life and search for every scrap of wisdom from it. The
soul has once again been starved by the insistence on living a
conditioned existence. The soul hungers for new adventures
because that is where the insight into self is. Only by
engaging the unknown can we eventually become wise entities.
Wisdom is the pearl we are seeking and the
real reason for us being here. There is nothing wrong with
owning or possessing assets but we must be mindful that their
ownership is not our reason for living and that ownership or
possession of assets can be a trap, if we become emotionally
attached to them.
What the soul really wants is real intimacy
with life. In relationships we find that people are frightened
of this. They are frightened to open themselves up to others,
in case they are unaccepted, talked about, mocked, ridiculed
etcetera. They mistrust others because they mistrust
themselves and because their past experience tells them that
others are not to be trusted. Their intimate relationships are
therefore not honest and open and so they compromise for
physical intimacy, that only offers fleeting moments of body
(chemical) ecstasy, followed by emptiness and loneliness.
For a relationship to be truly meaningful,
it must first be found in the mind. This should be the first
cornerstone of a successful relationship. Couples should talk
openly to one another instead of just gossiping about each
other to other parties. They should have integrity and should
honor and respect each other’s right to keep personal
information private.
Honesty should be the second cornerstone of
the relationship because without it you will never find trust
and thus not be able to confide in each other with confidence.
Thirdly, we must stop placing expectations,
conditions and demands on our partners. Since when have they
been accountable to us or we to them for that matter? Nobody
is accountable to anybody else unless they agree to be so. We
must let go of these silly control dramas.
Finally, we must all realize that
everything we do in life is ultimately for the purpose of
learning and that we are always going to make mistakes (how
else can we learn?). When we fall into disharmony with our
partners, we can either judge and criticize them or forgive
and love them. The same choice applies to our thinking about
ourselves. If we choose the former attitude, it just shows our
lack of understanding of the situation and disharmony will
prevail. However, the latter attitude will gradually move our
relationships to superconscious levels. So be it.
If our intimate relationships are founded
on the above four cornerstones, we will have meaningful,
monogamous, fulfilling experiences; the product of which will
be the birthing of a superconscious generation and thus a
superconscious society.
We have experienced the sexual revolution
and the freedom that has brought us all. But it has also
brought disease and the further degradation of our society. It
is now time for us all to become more mindful in our
relationships with others. For the sake of future generations
and for the health of our planet, let us all start a
new life together and let us start it now; before it’s
too late!
This is a sample chapter from the book
'Becoming a Christ' by Gary Bate. For more details please go