Special Offer

May Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

by Suzanne E. Harrill


Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. Download May's Seed Thoughts for only $5.95 Only available here on line.

Anthologies now available. Click here for details.

Here's an example from the first page of the May affirmations:

May 1

Honoring Myself

I quietly honor myself today.
I respect and appreciate the beauty
and perfection of who I am.
I treat myself with the love and respect
that I show to others.
It is a privilege to have this life and to
creatively express who I am.

I honor myself with respect, love,
and reverence.

May 3

Evaluating Myself

I stop evaluating my worth by measuring
myself against unrealistic standards or
expectations, my potential, or others.
It is good, however, to have standards as I
strive for improvement.
Today I take stock of how I am doing in
meeting my goals, living my value system,
and living with integrity.
I notice how far I have traveled in awareness
and celebrate the little changes of
I allow feelings of disappointment or failure
to surface, using them for the motivation
to begin anew making realistic goals.
I am satisfied with myself today.

 I honestly evaluate myself and enjoy my progress.


May Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

Price: $5.95

Note about your purchase:
The payment system will say that your purchase will be shipped to you,
but actually this is a download that you can do, immediately.





Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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