Special Offer

March Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

by Suzanne E. Harrill


Affirmations to support self-esteem and spiritual growth now available in monthly installments. Download March's Seed Thoughts for only $5.95 Only available here on line.

Anthologies now available. Click here for details.

Here's an example from the first page of the March affirmations:


I begin my day by centering and grounding
I stand with my feet planted firmly on the
ground and take several deep breathes.
I feel Mother Earth supporting me, feeling
safe and secure in my physical body.
As I remember to connect to this solid
place, I remain centered as I go through
the experiences of my day.
When I am grounded I think more clearly
and make wiser choices that support me.
At any time I loose focus, am not able to pay
attention, am accident prone or repeatedly
make small mistakes, I take a few
moments to think of my feet, deep breathe
and remember to ground myself.

I ground myself and feel the solid support of Mother Earth.

Everyone My Teacher

Today, I remain mindful that everyone
is my teacher.
I choose to learn from all people.
I pay special attention to people whom I
react to or dislike certain behaviors or
points of view, as they teach me how I
choose not to live my life.
I enjoy the teaches who express my
goodness and who are wayshowers on my
As my power to discriminate increases, I am
able to learn from all people.
I grow by observing what I like and dislike
in all people

I see everyone as my teacher and use information from each for refining my own personality.


March Seed Thoughts for Loving Yourself

Price: $5.95

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The payment system will say that your purchase will be shipped to you,
but actually this is a download that you can do, immediately.





Love Offerings and Tithes Appreciated
Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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