


I wanted to be a better LISTENER

I was told.

I’ve been given two ears and one mouth

that I may have the opportunity

listen  twice as much as I talk.

If I really want to understand more,

Then I will quietly listen so I can hear what is said.




I wanted to be HONEST

I was told.

I must stop telling lies.

That my shame is born from my failure to do what I should

and making excuses why I can’t.

Self-respect through honesty is not a gift,

it’s a reward for being genuine.




I wanted my BAD HABITS removed.

I was told.

It is I who resist changing what has proven of no benefit.

The only doors to change that are closed

are those I refuse to open.

I cannot change, as long as I will not change.




I wanted  PATIENCE.

I was told.

Self-control will provide me with calmness.

When I rush, I make mistakes.

Today’s experiences can prepare me for tomorrow

Patience is not a gift

It is a practice.






I was told.

That I will find pleasure through giving and sharing.

Contentment will come from doing good

and feeling good abut what I do.

It’s up to me to become decent and then

I will be blessed with gratitude.




I wanted my ANGER removed

I was told.

Anger is the result of wanting to change

 another’s attitude instead of my own.

That I’m not able to control everything thrust toward me

by a person, pace, thing  or situation.

But I can control how I react.

I have a choice of what I want to feel.




I wanted to remove the problem with my EGO

I was told.

I think only of myself, want only for myself.

believe only my way and do things only to get what I want.

The less everything is centered around me,

the less ego will be a problem.




I wanted my RESENTMENTS removed.

I was told.

I’m only displeased by not receiving something I want.

If I let go of the anger I don’t need,

the resentments will go away.

If I have any resentments, it’s because

I refuse to let them go.






I wanted to be RESPONSIBLE.

I was told.

Others cannot make my choices and decisions for me.

I must believe that I will be protected.

I will be guided when I get up and try again.

I must learn to love myself.




I wanted TOLERANCE of people, places, and things.

I was told.

To allow people to be who they are.

To select the safest places to go

and to do things that are right.

Serenity is a reward of tolerance

when I accept things as they are,

and focus on improving myself.




I wanted to be spared of any more SUFFERING

I was told.

To experience pain, harm and loss teaches me

about courage and only has only limits that I set.

It is through the suffering

that I find myself at the edge of disadvantage

where I become humble enough to ask for help

and suffer no more.

I will grow when I’m ready.




I wanted my SELFISHNESS removed.

I was told.

Giving is a choice, not a demand.

Sharing is a pleasure, not a requirement.

My selfishness does not need to be taken away.

I simple need to give it up.





I wanted my INSECURITY removed.

I was told.

The more I hold on to fear, the less I feel safe.

The more I try, trust is gained.

Self-confidence comes from within, not from without.

Confidence offers me protection,

but I must step out of my own doubts.

Fear is a threat when I stand in it.




I wanted more FAITH

I was told.

Lack of personal responsibility is why I’m frustrated now.

I need to trust I’m cared for.

Have more confidence that I can change my own life.

Because that’s the way I was made,

a complete person.

Stop being lazy.

That doesn’t show

Love and service.









Author unknown

Submitted by Pat Peterson






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