
Spiritual Mind Treatment or Affirmative Prayer

by Dr. Earnest Holms

The following template is from Dr. Earnest Holms author of, The Science of Mind. It is helpful to create a powerful prayer for yourself or another. Begin by focusing on the purpose of your affirmative prayer. Then follow the five steps. I will fill in each step with an example. Use words that you resonate with when writing your own prayer. If you want more information about building your own prayer or would like a prayer written for you go to Centers for Spiritual Living,

Purpose for writing the prayer:

Being a strong channel for God's love and healing to express through me. Allowing me to further actualize my spiritual purpose.


Stage 1: Recognition:

Divine Love is abundant, creative, all knowing, everywhere, all the time.


Stage 2: Unification:

I am a part of the Source of all creation. God and I are one.


Stage3: Realization:

Infinite Spirit knows the next step for me in actualizing my gifts to serve humanity. I am a channel for healing and upliftment. I allow God to use me as an instrument for Good to love and help others. I tune in daily to the Divine Presence within and follow my inspired guidance.


Stage 4: Thanksgiving:

I am blessed in all areas of my life. I am grateful for the love in all my relationships, with my husband, daughters, grandchildren, sister, and friends. Life fills me with joy each time I see or think about my grandchildren. I am grateful for my creative gifts and for the awareness of the presence of God within me. Thank you, God for this life and all the experiences in my life.


Stage 5: Release:

I know and feel this truth right now this instant. I let go and let God. And so it is so!





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