
Affirmations for Spiritual Well-Being

by Suzanne E. Harrill

I am grateful for this day and my life.


I know I am a valuable, worthwhile individual.


I am grateful for the relationships in my life; I love and feel loved.


I accept Divine Love into my life.


I appreciate and feel at home in my body.


I am whole, healthy, and complete. I take care of myself daily to maintain good health including the times I experience dis-ease.


I am optimistic and joyful.


I belong. I feel at home in the groups that I choose to participate in – family, friends, work, spiritual.


I know my life is important.


I am grateful for all I experience and learn from the good as well as the bad feeling experiences.


I make a difference and use my talents and gifts for making life a better place.


I evaluate people and situations to determine which ones are good for me. I set boundaries and say no to those not feeling right for me.


I say yes to receiving my good.


I take responsibility for my life to heal, change, and uplift my attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors because I choose the path of greater awareness.


My life is unfolding as I allow my true Self to shine. I am free to be me.


I spend time with uplifting people, events, and groups to keep me motivated, challenged, interested, and growing.


When I stumble and fall, make a mistake, or get depressed I accept the support of others.


I am an important part of the greater whole.


I maintain healthy, life-sustaining, reciprocal friendships.


I accept the Divine Plan for my life and eagerly actualize my potential; my life has meaning and purpose.





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Send to seharrill@gmail.com

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