Personal Growth

Divine Providence Guided Me to be a Good Samaritan

by Suzanne E. Harrill

Do you believe in synchronicity where two seemingly unrelated incidences occur, a coincidence, for a meaningful outcome? Synchronicity is an experience of two or more events which occur in a meaningful manner, but which are causally unrelated. The chance that they would occur together by random chance must be very small. The definition of synchronicity was originally developed by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. Jung co-defined the word to describe what he called "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events"...

Most of us have had coincidences that surprised us. We think of someone and they call us. We hear the title of a book from three different people. When we read the book, it's full of perfect insights helping us with our current challenge. These are examples of the oneness and connectedness of us all that goes beyond reason.

My life is full of coincidences and I now live my life expecting synchronicity to occur often. Let me share a personal experience that surprises even me. A while back I began my day picturing what I needed to do. Yoga for sure and buying paper products was very important. I decided to go to an old grocery store that I really don't like, on the way home from yoga. I had not been there for three years or so. Convenience and efficiency were important so I could spend as little time as possible on this errand.

As I was getting my cloth grocery bags out of the back of my car, a woman in a van with the windows down asked if she could ask a question. I said sure and approached her car seeing a child in the passenger seat. It was hot Houston. The woman looked very hot and tired.

"Do you know where my children and I could spend the night?" she asked. "I left my abusive husband three days ago and we have been sleeping in the car." It turned out there were four children in the car ages one to thirteen.

I replied kindly, "There's a woman's shelter a few blocks from here that can help you."

Next, I said, "Do you have family that can help?"

"No, my mother is incarcerated, and my stepmom thinks I should go back to my husband."

"I've been to the police and they took me to the woman's shelter nearby and one other shelter, and I'm on a waiting list." The whole time the young girl in the front seat kept whinning, "I'm hungry."

This pulled at my heart strings. I happened to have cash on me and began getting money out of my wallet so they could eat lunch.

The Mom said, "Motel 6 will let us stay up to two weeks for $79."

I reached for more money and gave it to her, feeling it was right. It was synchronistic that I had so much cash on me. I'm glad I gave her money after seeing the gratitude on her face and her appreciative words were my reward.

As she was pulling away in her car, I said, "What's your name?"


I grabbed a piece of paper and said, "Please email me and tell me you found a refuge at a Motel 6.

She said, "I will. The police gave me a temporary phone. I can't make calls, but I can email or text."

Joanna did contact me. I learned the kids had no cloths, so I sent a Walmart gift card to help. She asked, "Why are you doing this?"

I answered, "Because I want you to succeed."

A couple of days later she let me know there was a place for them in the shelter. Then another time we texted and she gave me the names of her four children and their ages, 1, 6, 12, and 13 and explained she needed to find an apartment then a job.

About three weeks later at exactly a point of crisis for her I texted her to see if she was in her apartment. This call again was synchronistic, and my action altered the course of her path. I was doing yoga at home and suddenly, I had the urge to jump up and call. I asked how she was progressing and if she was in an apartment; I knew the woman's center would pay for 10 months of rent once she found an apartment and had put a down payment down. The center encouraged her to ask local churches to help her with the down payment.

Joanna replied, "Would you be able to help, I need $275 towards the deposit. Then she added she had to have it by 5 pm or else she would be kicked out of the shelter." My heartstrings were pulled again. It was already 2pm.

Before I sent her the money, I asked for phone the phone number of the shelter. She instead gave me her case worker's number which I called. I was surprised she answered as it was a Friday afternoon. I learned that Joanna had received $100 from a church towards the $375 deposit and if she had the rest of the money the case worker could extend her stay at the woman's shelter for another ten days. The catch was, the deposit had to be given to the apartment today by 5. This was a final deadline. I learned more about Joanna from the case worker in our brief encounter. Her life was in endanger by the husband. Again, I was ready to help and had to move quickly.

I wired her $275 at 2:15 that day. The case worker and Joanna were then to drive an hour to the apartment. It worked out and the apartment personnel stayed later knowing they were bringing a deposit.

Joanna and I texted one last time when she told me her children were so happy.

I'm amazed at the number of events that had to fall into place to help Joanna. Some would say it was Divine Providence.

This story may inspire you to listen to your inner promptings when another is in need to determine if you want to get involved.

I will end now with a very deep quote to ponder from the Gene Keys, by Richard Rudd.

Synchronicity -- The universal principle of good fortune that is activated whenever you think, act and speak from a higher frequency -- that is from a place of unconditional giving. Synchronicity is a universal law at all levels of frequency. When you understand the perfection of the cosmos in every moment, then you can only surrender and trust life. Synchronicity is summed up by the phrase nothing is by chance. Every event that occurs in your life is an invitation to evolve and unlock the hidden higher gifts inside you...





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